Tuesday Birthday Roundup

American poet Amy Lowell was born today in 1874.Though expressibly not a "feminist" Lowell lived and wrote openly and became an activist through her unabashed impressionist poetry.

Image courtesy of the NYPL Digital Library

When you came, you were like red wine and honey,
And the taste of you burnt my mouth with its
Now you are like morning bread,
Smooth and pleasant.
I hardly taste you at all for I know your savour,
But I am completely nourished.

~ Selection from A Decade, 1919

Apparently academics call that "highly coded" poetry. Isn't it thrilling to hear that was written and published with acclaim 91 years ago.

Around the Web:
Lowell, Amy @ GLBTQ
Nice selection of Poems by Amy Lowell
Books @ Project Gutenburg

That first line reminds me of Missy Higgins highly coded lyrics in her song Warm Whispers:


Dutch doctor, activist, writer, lecture and suffragist Dr. Aletta Henrietta Jacobs is born today in 1854.

Painted by Isaac Israëls (1919). Present of Mathilde Cohen Tervaert-Israëls at the opening of the IAV in 1936. [Courtesy of Aletta Jacobs.org]

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